California’s Math Framework Hub

Our Hub sets California district and school leaders up to lead a successful math adoption process based on the Framework guidelines and timelines from the California Department of Education.

This timeline is a guidance document for California districts and CMOs that are adopting new math materials. The timeline outlines recommended steps to take along the way if you are planning on implementing during fall 2026. The timeline is structured around EdReport’s recommended six-step adoption process and includes links to key resources. It also features major events from CDE’s  schedule of significant events.

California Math Adoption Timeline

This adoption timeline outlines recommended action steps and relevant resources to use to prepare for a Fall 2026 implementation of new math instructional materials, in tandem with the California Department of Education’s schedule of significant events.  

Click on the timeline sections below to see expanded guidance on recommended steps to take, access linked resources, and relevant events from the CDE timeline.

Establish your process

Adoption leads prepare for the upcoming process by developing goals timelines, metrics and assembling a diverse adoption committee

  • Attend Attend CalCurriuclum’s workshop on the math framework and the adoption process.
  • Develop an adoption plan (goals, metrics, timeline, etc.)
  • Develop a Professional Learning Plan.
  • Assemble a diverse adoption committee


Join us for the 
2025 CalCurriculum. Workshop to learn more about the adoption process. Use this time to develop your adoption plan as well as the professional learning plan for the leadership team and committee members. Assemble a diverse adoption committee.

CDE Timeline

SBE appoints reviewers

Develop Your Lens

Engage the adoption committee in professional learning around the CA math framework and collect data district data including stakeholders surveys.

  • Engage in Professional Learning on Framework and markers of High-Quality Instructional Materials
  • Collect District Data
  • Survey Educators and community members
  • Review current materials for strengths and gaps


Take the time to engage in professional learning around the instructional shifts and core components of the math framework . This may look like a book study into one of the chapters or digging deep into one of the Five Components of Equitable and Engaging Teaching for All Students. This is also the time to begin collecting your district data and survey educators and community members on what they want in future instructional materials.

CDE Timeline

Programs are submitted to the state for review and reviewers are trained.

Develop Your Lens

Engage the adoption committee in processional learning around the CA math framework and collect data district data including stakeholders surveys.

  • Engage the adoption committee in Professional Learning


The summer is a great time for continued professional learning for your adoption committee around the math framework and markers of high-quality instructional materials.

CDE Timeline

Programs reviewed and recommended to IQC. Public comment opportunities. IQC makes program adoption recommendations

Develop Your Lens

Define your instructional vision and local priorities using district data. Determine how your will be reviewing materials, book study, pilot, PLC , etc.

  • Refine/develop your instructional vision
  • Define local priorities using data
  • Create review rubric to guide your investigation/study of materials


Having a clearly defined math specific instructional vision will act as your north star throughout the process. This is also time to use the data and survey information to help determine your district’s priorities in materials. Determine how you will review materials using a rubric, book study, pilot etc.

CDE Timeline

Nov 2025 – The CA State Board of Education receives comments and takes action on program recommendations. Final list of programs released.

Know and Winnow your choices + Investigate the Materials

Winnow your choices to 
2-3 using CalCurriculum’s report page. Adoption committee reviews materials.

  • Learn about the available programs using CalCurriuclum reports page.
  • Winnow your choices to 2-3 choices.
  • Adoption Committee review materials using review rubric.
  • Optional: Prepare for pilot testing of winnowed materials


There are a lot of programs out there. The winnowing process will help you go from many options to 2-3 per grade band/course. Using EdReport’s reviews is a great place to start to determine which materials you are interested in exploring further. You can find reports embedded on CalCurriculum’s reports page. You can winnow your choices around your district non negotiables(ie. must have student editions in English and Spanish, must have digital and print options etc.) Once you have winnowed your choices it is time for the adoption committee to deeply review the 2-3 instructional materials per grade band/course using a rubric, book study, etc. Some districts may choose to also pilot their winnowed list of materials.

CDE Timeline

Nov 2025 – The CA State Board of Education receives comments and takes action on program recommendations. Final list of programs released.

Make Your Decision

Adoption committee comes to a consensus using data from the materials review and selects a material for purchase. Begin curriculum embedded professional learning.

  • Districts piloting testing options collect data to inform their final decision. Once reviews are completed, the Adoption committee comes to a consensus on its final recommendations for adoption.
CDE Timeline

Final products ready for purchase

Plan for Launch

Offer ongoing curriculum embedded professional learning for all educators, staff and administrators.

  • Curriculum-embedded Professional learning of new materials


Offering a variety of professional learning to all educators and staff using the selected materials is essential for an effective implementation.

  • Materials Implementation

Implement the Materials

Offer ongoing curriculum embedded professional learning for all educators, staff and administrators.

  • Implementation of new materials

Implement the Materials

  • Implementation of new materials
  • Ongoing curriculum embedded professional learning


Ongoing support for educators and administrators on the newly adopted instructional materials is necessary for a successful implementation. This may include ongoing curriculum embedded professional learning and continued opportunities for collaboration around and learn about the materials.

CDE Timeline

Programs are submitted to the state for review and reviewers are trained.

California Math Adoption Resources