Math Materials Adoption

Our guidance sets California district and school leaders up to lead a successful math adoption process that will support teachers with the resources to build critical math knowledge and skills.


To build upon EdReports’ Key Adoption Steps, we outline three key areas to keep in mind to lead a successful Science Adoption process in California: Ensuring the Next Generation Science Standards Innovations are front and center, utilizing the CA NGSS TIME Tools for Screening Materials, and prioritizing support for multilingual learners.

The Mathematics Shifts and Practices

Materials should embody the Mathematics Common Core Standards Shifts: Focus, Coherence, and Rigor:

Focus: Focus strongly where the Standards focus. Focus and Major work of the grade

Coherence: Think across grades and link to major topics within grades. Coherence in Mathematics

Rigor: In major topics, pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application. Instructional Approaches for Rigor in a Lesson

Standards for Mathematical Practice: The mathematical practices describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students.

Support for Multilingual Learners

Support for multilingual learners should be woven into the design of the core materials to address students’ linguistic and instructional needs. The following criteria, created in partnership between EdReports, EdSolutions, the English Learners Success Forum (ELSF), and Pivot Learning, can be used to evaluate the degree to which materials support multilingual learners:

Criterion 1: Simultaneous content, math practices, and language development – Materials consistently provide opportunities for simultaneous content, math practices, and language development.

Criterion 2: Language Features of Mathematical Tasks – Materials provide tasks that require students to make meaning through collaboration by interpreting and producing language.

Criterion 3: Language Supports – Materials provide responsive language and collaborative supports that amplify mathematical language development.

Criterion 4: Leveraging Students’ Assets – Materials forefront, value, and use the assets of students, including their home language, experiences, and beliefs, in the teaching of mathematics.

Criterion 5: Formative Assessment of Content, Math Practices, and Language – Materials provide opportunities to consistently assess, analyze, and communicate progress while students have opportunities to incorporate feedback.

See more resources for support in mathematics here.

Leverage CCSESA’s Toolkit

Reference the Math Evaluation Curriculum Toolkit from the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) and the Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee (CISC), in collaboration with the Fresno County Office of Education.

2025 Math Adoption Workshop Series


We are recruiting school districts and charter management organizations to participate in our 2025 Math Adoption Workshop Series. Learn more and apply now!