ELA Reports
Click here to check out our ELA reports.
EdReports provides independent reviews of instructional materials to help guide leaders across California and nationwide.
All materials on our site have been reviewed by EdReports and/or the California Department of Education for alignment to the state content standards and instructional shifts. EdReports’ tools support a sequential review process through three gateways. These gateways reflect the importance of alignment to the fundamental design elements of the standards alongside other high-quality attributes of curriculum, such as usability and design, as recommended by educators.
Gateways 1 and 2 focus on alignment to the standards. Are the instructional materials aligned to the standards? Are all standards present and treated with appropriate depth and quality required to support student learning?
Gateway 3 focuses on usability. Are the instructional materials user-friendly for students and educators? Materials must be well designed to facilitate student learning and enhance a teacher’s ability to differentiate and build knowledge within the classroom.
In order to be reviewed and attain a rating for usability (Gateway 3), the instructional materials must first meet expectations for alignment (Gateways 1 and 2).
Learn more about EdReports review process from this video and by visiting EdReports.org
There are hundreds of ELA, math, and science options currently available for selection. You can find a sortable, filterable list in our Reports Section to see all of the options, including materials from large publishers to small publishers to open education resources.
Next, learn more about a program’s alignment to college- and career-ready standards. Do the materials meet, partially meet, or not meet expectations for alignment? By focusing on alignment first, you learn how strong the content is and where you need to fill gaps to make sure the materials are great options for your students.
From there, decide which programs you want to investigate more deeply as a match for your local priorities.
With a manageable number of titles in your hands, it’s time to explore each program in depth. As you examine the programs, refer back to the reviews which provide detailed evidence about their strengths in addition to alignment.
Applying your instructional vision, expertise, and knowledge of your community to this short list of quality curriculum will let you conduct even deeper analyses and pick the best program for your students.
You can find our recommendations for how to use these reviews in your process on our About Adoption page.